Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving's day is a time for family and friends. Of course your pets are part of your family. We don't want to leave them out. We just want you to be cautious. Here are some tips to make that happen.

1. Take your dog for  long walk. This will make him or her sleep through your feast.
2. Adding a few peices of turkey, without the skin, to her normal dinner is alright. Too much may cause an upset stomach.
3. Put some dog food in a kong with a piece of turkey and a tad bit of gravy. They will lick on this for hours.
4. Turkey bones can be lethal to a dog. Please don't give them to your dog.
5. Please don't leave your alcholic beverages on the coffe table. Alcohol isn't good for dogs.

If your dogs are like ours, I know they ahve a look that will melt your heart. If that is the case, Please be careful.

Happy Thanksgivings Day
Dog Wash Staff

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